b'6 SpruntsA VISION FOR MINISTRY AND FOR JUSTICE ADVOCACYRev. Jimmie Hawkins Named Distinguished AlumFor the past eight years, Rev. Jimmie Hawkins has served the PCUSA asfor justice advocacy work. We can see right now that justice is a major advocacy director of the denominations Washington Office of Public Witnesscomponent in the lives of young adults. They are seeking opportunities and of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations. On May 8, he wasto do justice.recognized as Union Presbyterian Seminarys Distinguished Alum for 2024.Hawkins graduated from the Presbyterian School of Christian Education (now UPSem) in 1986 with a Master of Arts and earned his Master of Divinity from the Interdenominational Theological Center/Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia. He has served as adjunct instructor of practical theology on the Charlotte campus.As supervisor for both the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations and the Washington Office of Public Witness, Hawkins works to make sure the denominations voice is heard when public policy is debated, developed, and decided. We engage with Congress on legislation and work as well with the White House and the State Department, says Hawkins. While we set and work toward our own goals, our agenda is driven mostly by legislation that is pending.Rev. Hawkins cites the Office of Public Witnesss involvement in the Build Back Better infrastructure plan of 2021 and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2023 as legislation he is particularly proud of being involved with. Its inspiring when legislation we work on passes, like Build Back Better, and I can drive around the country and start to see the benefit of the bill with all the infrastructure work being done.Hawkins explained that the Presbyterian denominations involvement at the United Nations works slightly differently from its other work. At the U.N., we have credentials, so we can get our staff into Security Council meetings. We dont have a vote, but we do have influence.Even with his demanding schedule, Hawkins has found time to write a book, Unbroken and Unbowed: A History of Black Protest in America,From the left: Academic Dean Ken McFayden, Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, published in 2022. President Jacq Lapsley, and Dr. Leonard Edloe at the 2024 Awards Luncheon held during the Sprunt Lectures. Hawkins was named Distinguished Alum; Of his time at UPSem, Hawkins says, The theological education thatEdloe won the Black Alumni Associations Trailblazer Award. we received was so wide reaching. It gave me a vision for ministry and SPRUNT LECTURESWisdom in a Post-Truth EraDr. John Thatamanil, professor of theology and world religions at Union Theological Seminary in New York, was the keynote speaker for the 2024 Sprunt Lectures. The theme for his lectures was Desiring Truth: The Quest for Interreligious Wisdom in a Post-Truth Era. In his talks, Dr. Thatamanil delivered to his listeners a disturbing vision of todays societya world riven by tribalism, conspiracy theories, and relentless disdain for fact. We are driven by desirenot by what we know, but by what we want, he explained.Dr. Thatamanil was asked after his final lecture how to deal with the despair that comes with trying to affect the general populace. He said immediately that despair itself is a powerful sentiment that serves the interests of those invested in the status quo. If you succumb to despair, he said, You will, in fact, do nothing. Despite the situation we find ourselves in now, he offered a hopeful note for those working for positive change. We dont have to do anything by ourselves, he said. I cant do much by myself. It is in solidarity with others that despair is overcome. These are powerful words to consider as we at the Seminary commit ourselves to bold Christian service.Alumni gathered for reunions, worship, and a cookout and to hear Dr. Thatamanils (above left) lectures May 68 on the Richmond campus. Rev. Dr. M. Craig Barnes (near left), president emeritus of Princeton Theological Seminary, was the worship leader at the 2024 Sprunt Lecture series. MORE ONLINEWatch videos of the 2024 Sprunt Lectures and worship services on the Seminarys YouTube channel at bit.ly/UPSem24SpruntSharon & Brook 2024 SUMMER ISSUE'