b'Faculty 5THE GARGOYLE SPEAKSProfessor Carson BrissonDoing Better Now: A Lesson from Everyday Life I was about four miles from campus. Traffic was crawling. The heat wasAfter a few moments under the hood, Jordan announced, Radiator. scorching. I didnt have air conditioning, so I had the windows down. ItYep. Radiator. Corroded, seals leaking, hoses cracking, sediments built up. wasnt helping much. Then I noticed the dash temperature gauge was inNo doubt. I did not follow exactly what all this meant. I did know it was the red. Car trouble, I thought.not good. And Ive got Hebrew class in a little over two hours. What to do?I can patch it, Jordan said, emerging from under the hood, and get I remembered an auto shop about two miles ahead. I decided to stopyou on your way in a jiff. But the patching up wont hold you long.there if I could get that far. If needed, I could walk the rest of the way toPlease, I said. Patch away.school in time for class. Your keys, Jordan said. We dont let civilians drive into the service The traffic lightened up a bit. To my surprise and relief, the car, hissingbays. Safety regulations and stuff.steam the last half mile, made it to the shop. I handed over the keys. They were on a Union Presbyterian Seminary The door to the shops tiny office was open. A guy was sitting at alanyard. Jordan looked at the lanyard and then at me.desk with an oscillating fan on it. A floor fan was blasting loudly from theYou go to Union Presbyterian Seminary?corner. The circulating air felt wonderful. Over the fan noise, I explainedI work there, I responded, a bit taken by surprise.that I knew I was a walk-in without an appointment and that I was pushedIm a Presbyterian, Jordan said, lighting up with a smile. My pastor for time.graduated from Union. Maybe you know my pastor?You a lawyer or a politician, or married to one? the guy responded.Jordan told me her pastors name. I did know her. I was going to say so, Just kiddingno offense, he quickly added. I can see from your carbut Jordan wasnt finished. youre definitely none of the above. He didnt explain further. I love my pastor, she said, now beaming, and my church. Im doing Were ahead of it all at the moment. Ill send a service tech out straightbetter now. Im not in jail nearly as often as before. But every time I am away, he continued. Just move your car over near those beside ourthere, they visit. Theyre usually not too happy with me, not too happy at service bays and keep your keys with you. You OK? You need water? Youall, but my pastor and others visit me anyway. Im not at church as much need to sit down? Your name? as I wish. But I try to get there, especially on the weekends I have my kids.I thanked him, assured him I was well, and told him my name. OK,Again, I thought I might comment. But Jordan had moved on. Carl, he responded over the roar of the fans. At least let me get youYou go in the office and cool yourself off some, she continued. You some cold water.look a little done around the edges. But youre gonna need a new radiator I moved the car. A minute or two later, a mechanicwearing brownand hoses real soon. And I saw other problems under your hood. Fixing work coveralls with oil and grease smudges all over them, squinting init all when you have time might set you back more than the car is worth. the burning sun, short sleeves revealing strong forearms and a legion ofNo offense. tattooscame slow-walking out of the far left bay of the shops three- Jordan had the car patched in less than an hour. She was already on bay garage. One of the tattoos featured a night sky full of beautiful starsanother job by the time I paid the bill. I made it to class on time. That and planets and comets cascading through the universe under the wordsSaturday, a medical charity that raises funds by selling parts from donated Carpe noctem. There was a name patch on the right bib pocket of thevehicles towed my car away. technicians coveralls, all but the first two letters, Jo, covered by a greaseIts been awhile. Still, when I pull into an auto shop, I am usually smear. reminded of the decent guy in the tiny office with two fans and of JordanYou must be Carl, the technician said, extending a clean hand. Imof her work and her words, of her settled and clement presence, of her joy. Jordan. Im your gal. Boss says your cars runnin hot and youre late for aMost of all, I am reminded of the love in and by which Jordan is doing victory speech. Just kidding. Lets pop the hood. Stand back, please. Youbetter now, whether or not that love is always too happy with her, of dont look too good at this. No offense. why, that is, the Church and Union Presbyterian Seminary exist.Laus Deo.DR. ALPHONSO SAVILLE AND CHRISTIAN SANCHEZUnion Welcomes Two New Faculty Members We are pleased to welcome Dr. Alphonso Saville and Christian Sanchez to our faculty. Saville has been named assistant professor of American Religious History and Mission. Sanchez will be instructor of New Testament.Saville is a graduate of Emory University (Ph.D.),Sanchez is a graduate of the University of St. Memphis Theological Seminary (M.A.), and NewAndrews (M.Phil.) and Southwestern Assemblies York University (B.A.). He is the author of theof God University (B.A.). He is pursuing his Ph.D. forthcoming book The Gospel of John Marrant:at Baylor University in Texas. His dissertation ConjuringChristianityintheBlackAtlanticresearch involves thinking theologically about (Duke University Press, August 2024). the intersections of early Christian apocalypticism SavilleiscurrentlyanassociateresearchandRomanimperialisminNewTestament scholar with The Crossroads Project at the Centerliterature.Uponcompletionofhisdoctoral for Culture, Society, and Religion at Princetondegree, he will become assistant professor of University.HewasanAndrewW.MellonNew Testament.postdoctoral fellow for American Religion andAn author, presenter, and scholar, Sanchez Alphonso Saville SlaveryinthedepartmentofTheologyandChristian Sanchez has a deep interest in critical spatiality, Latinx Religious Studies at Georgetown University.interpretation, and ecological interpretation. In His first day will be July 1 on the Charlottehis work at UPSem, he aims to bring scripture, campus. early Christianity, God, and personal stories together for conversations that promote liberation, empowerment, and creativity in Christ.He will start work on the Charlotte campus on July 1.UNION PRESBYTERIAN SEMINARY Sharon & Brook'