b'4 CampusMEET YOUR TRUSTEESJames W. Wagner One of the contributions that Jim Wagner, former president of EmoryAstrustees,itisour University,makesasamemberoftheBoardofTrusteesofUnionresponsibilitytoempower Presbyterian Seminary is an inclination to think like an engineer. It is athe president and the deans habit many years in the making.and entrust them with actions The native of Silver Spring, Maryland, received a B.S. in electricalthat we think are consistent engineering from the University of Delaware, an M.S. in clinical engineeringwith pursuing and achieving from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and a Ph.D. froma mission.Johns Hopkins in materials science and engineering. At Johns Hopkins,Wagner is a Presbyterian, he was a professor of engineering, material science, and biomedicalbuthedoesnothavea engineering, serving as department chair for material science. He alsofamilial or alumni connection worked at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and served as deantoUPSem.Heis,hesays, of engineering at Case Western Reserve University, later serving there aspersonallydrawntoitsJim Wagner, Board of Trustees Memberprovost and interim president. mission, preparing people to If you talk to most serious engineers, says Wagner, they say thatbe leaders of gospel-inspired one of the things that happened to them in their formal education wastransformative change in pursuit of a more just and compassionate world. an approach to thinking thats a little different, more analytical. Its reallyHe emphasizes that he wants to see UPSem be an educational leader so developed in us. that other institutions can benefit by its example.This definitely has an effect on my approach to administration becauseI want to see Union graduates enjoy success that is not competitive, you want to do your best to make sure that all the parts work wellthatbut contributory. all the people work well, particularly at the presidential level.Left: Richmond campus 2024 graduatesAbove: Trustee Jim Somerville and his wife, Christy, are shown with new graduate John Nganga, who earned his M.A.C.E. degree in May.COMMENCEMENT MORE ONLINE Watch the videos of graduation ceremonies on the2024 GraduationSeminarys YouTube channel at bit.ly/upsem24ric (Richmond) Ceremonies RIC CLT and bit.ly/upsem24clt (Charlotte).Please join us in congratulating our 2024 Union Presbyterian Seminary graduates! Graduation ceremonies took place in Richmond on May 25 and in Charlotte on June 29. UPSem conferred 87 certificates and degrees for2024,aswellasnumeroushonorsand awards. We are so proud of our graduates and all they have accomplished during their time at UPSem!Weknowtheyallleaveuswithfond memories of their time in seminary, friendships andbondsthatwilllastalifetime,andthe knowledge needed to confidently serve Christ and the world. Congratulations, graduates!Tolearnmoreaboutthe2024graduates, besuretofollowUPSemsFacebookpage and Instagram feed. You can also watch theHappy faces filled Sharon Presbyterian Church as the 2024 UPSem graduates received their diplomas commencementceremoniesontheUPSemin Charlotte on Saturday, June 29.YouTube channel.Sharon & Brook 2024 SUMMER ISSUE'