b'Alumni 7GREETINGSW. Clay MacaulayBlessings to you in this new year before us.On May 8, we will honor Dr. Leonard Edloehomecoming of those like you, who love and And what a year it promises to be for Union(Th.M.18) as our 2024 Black Alumni Associationsupport UPSem, is greatly appreciated. Presbyterian Seminaryour community, ourTrailblazer of the Year. The 2024 DistinguishedWe encourage you to send news of your life and alumni, and our friends! Alum will be named early in 2024 and will alsoministry to alumni@upsem.edu or you can call This issue of Sharon & Brook focuses on ourbe honored on May 8.me at (804) 278-4382.upcomingSpruntLectures,scheduledforYou may register now for the Sprunt Lectures atWe hope you will enjoy reading the alumni May68,2024,ontheRichmondcampus.https://bit.ly/Sprunt24, as we anticipate anotherupdates listed here and also share your news Our Sprunt lecturer is Dr. John J. Thatamanil,large gathering of alumni and friends. We wantwith us!professoroftheologyatUnionTheologicalto have spaces and food ready and available for Seminary in New York. those planning to attend. The preacher for Sprunts is Rev. Dr. M. CraigSince good food and fellowship are always aYours faithfully,Barnes,presidentemeritusofPrincetonkey part of this annual gathering, you will noteW. Clay Macaulay (D.Min.85)Theological Seminary. Rev. Lori Raible (M.Div.06),thatthereisasimpleflatfeeforattendingDirector of Alumni Developmentpastor and head of staff for Selwyn Avenueanyoralleventsoncampus(notincludingcmacaulay@upsem.eduPresbyterianChurchinCharlotteandalectures,worship,orreceptions,forwhich(804) 436-7471 (mobile and text) Seminaryboardmember,willspeakatthethere is no charge, of course). Your generous(804) 278-4382 (study)Alumni Luncheon on Tuesday, May 7.understandingandsupportofthisannual Alumni NotesLauren E. Voyles (M.Div.17) now serves asJennie Stokes Howe (P.S.C.E.63-64)explores the rich history, profound TRANSITIONS a Chaplain for Bon Secours Mercy HealthSeptember 1, 2023 legacy, and uncertain future of this vital Annie Franklin Arvin (M.Div./M.A.C.E.18)Hospice in Richmond, VA. Charles R. Huggins (D.Min.81)institution. Edloe is the recipient of the now serves as Director of AdmissionsSeptember 14, 2023 2024 Black Alumni Association Trailblazer for the Richmond Campus of UnionIN MEMORIAM Bertha Hamilton Jones (M.R.E.58)of the Year award, which will be Presbyterian Seminary. Edwin L. Ted Bishop (M.A.79)July 15, 2023 presented at the 2024 Sprunt Lectures.Kelley M. Connelly (M.Div.20) now servesOctober 3, 2023 Ruth L. Sample (M.A.59)AWARDSas Associate Pastor at First PresbyterianJ. Theodore Ted Brothers (B.D.61)October 23, 2023Church in Highlands, NC. October 26, 2023 E. Bruce Harvey Jr. (M.A.79) is a G. Howard Dudley Jr. (M.Div.12) nowFrank L. Seaman (B.D.62)co-recipient of the 2024 Association of serves as Pastor/Head of Staff for Kirk ofSue Dobbs-Key (M.A.87)September 1, 2023 Partners in Christian Education (APCE) Kildaire Presbyterian Church in Cary, NC. September 5, 2023 Donald S. Stewart (Th.M.70)SUSTAINLife Achievement Award, to be Margaret Meg Lindsay Dudley Doris Gammon Field (B.R.E.53)October 18, 2023 presented at the APCE National Gathering (M.Div./M.A.C.E.12) has concluded herAugust 21, 2023 Lee C. Waltz (B.D.60)on January 26, 2024, in St. Louis, MO.ministry with Bluff Presbyterian Church Anne Judkins Hager (M.R.E.53)December 8, 2023 John W. Johnson (M.A.79) is a in Wade, NC. August 23, 2023 John Richard Dick Winter (M.Div.49)co-recipient of the 2024 APCE SUSTAINMax Michaels (M.Div./M.A.C.E.23) nowRichard T. Harbison (B.D.58)August 14, 2023 Life Achievement Award, to be presented serves as Pastor/Head of Staff at FirstDecember 8, 2023 at the APCE National Gathering on Presbyterian Church in Cheraw, SC. Vaughn E. Hartsell (B.D.59)ON THE SHELF January 26, 2024, in St. Louis, MO.Jennifer J. Powell (M.Div.21) now servesJune 1, 2023 Leonard L. Edloe (Th.M.18) has authored as Pastor at First Presbyterian Church inElizabeth Betsy Rimmer Hilfer (M.A.82)Restoring the Glory: Breathing New Life Mount Sterling, KY. August 11, 2023 into the Rural Black Church, which MORE ONLINEFor a complete and updated list of transitions, retirements, in memoriam, and publications of ourUPSem alums, visit: bit.ly/UPSem-Alumni-NotesSharon & Brook is published by Union Presbyterian Seminary for alumni and friends of the Seminary.Editors Richmond Campus: Send us your updated information: Please send us the Samuel L. Adams, Faculty Advisor 3401 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227 news of your life and ministry that we may share with Rodney S. Sadler Jr., Faculty Advisor(804) 278-4240 others. The Seminary also welcomes updated email Marvin Daniel, Vice President of Advancement2024 Union Presbyterian SeminaryBarb Dodd, Director of Communications and mailing addresses, with current phone numbers. Clay Macaulay, Director of Alumni Development Charlotte Campus:Tim Moore, Director of Donor Relations 5141 Sharon Road, Charlotte, NC 28210Copywriter Joe Slay (980) 636-1700 The Alumni Office would love to hear from you!Send news and contact updates to us atDesigner Edith Ridderhof www.upsem.edu alumni@upsem.edu or call (804) 278-4228.UNION PRESBYTERIAN SEMINARY Sharon & Brook'