b'2 CampusPRESIDENTS MESSAGEDr. Jacqueline E. LapsleyA Sense of Hopefulness and ExpectationWhen I think about my first few months on the campuses of Unionthat. We are already doing quite a bit that is really excellent. The question Presbyterian Seminary and traveling to meet the broader Union communityis, how do we do that in a more coordinated fashionin a way thats more of alums and friends, the image that comes to mind is drinking from a fireintegrated across our different Centers? How do we integrate and align hose. Theres been so much to take in. the Centers and the Leadership Institute in a more efficient manner that And its been really wonderful.produces even more offerings than we currently do?Its been a joy to see how much people care about this school. Theres aAnother piece of our strategic plan is around communication: How do we lot of loyalty and excitement about what Union is doing and also abouttell our story? My sense is that we want to connect and reconnect with what it can be. our traditional audiences, which would include PCUSA congregations and our alums and so forth. But then I think we also want to connect with new Ive heard so many ideas from folks that have been incredibly helpful andaudiencesfolks who have strong faith commitments but havent heard will inform our strategic planning process. These ideas are coming from allof Union Presbyterian Seminary. Our story would be one that connects of the different constituencies of the Seminary: our students, staff, faculty,with theirs, and they would see us as a resource for growing in their own alums, board, donors, and friends. faith and the way that they can have an impact on the world. That doesnt Some are rightly concerned about the shortage of clergy to fill pulpits inhave to be just in degree programs, but also through webinars, certificate the church today. They ask what the Seminary can do about that and whatprograms, workshops, and the like.the role of the denomination can be. That is a concern I have, as well.I would like for Union to be seen as a place where people can have We need to be helping people of all agesespecially young peopletodifficult conversations. The church is in a unique place to be a sort of see the church as a place where their faith commitments and their concernthird space for this kind of dialogue. This is where we could really lean for social justice can be lived out, where they can see themselves in joyfulinto the resources of our theological tradition that help us think about how ministries that lead to new life for themselves and their communities.to address conflictand to think about how we can help people who are sitting next to each other on Sunday mornings hear one another better I think thats a job for all of us. and redevelop levels of trust that have been frayed over the last decade.Based partly on listening sessions weve been having toward developmentI want people to know that theres a sense of hopefulness and expectation of a strategic plan, Im hearing several important things. One of thoseon our campusesthat theres a newness on the horizon, and that we is curricular revision, which the faculty is working on now. The needs ofcan rise to these challenges and find creative ways of meeting the needs church and society are changing rapidly. Its important for us to look at ourof the world.curriculum and ask, Are we doing what we need to be doing to prepareThe world is a hurting place. But the Christian theological tradition and the people for the church and society of tomorrow? Reformed theological tradition, in particular, have enormous riches to meet Another big area that Im interested in is the development of and increasethose needs. Im looking forward to rising to that challenge with all of you.in our nondegree offerings. These can be for anyone who would like high-quality theological education. I think there are a lot of people who want The theme for the inauguration of Union PresbyterianA panel of five scholars and practitioners will take up Seminarys eighth president, Dr. Jacqueline E. Lapsley,that question at 2:00 p.m. that afternoon. onWednesday,May8,2024,promisesbothanThe inauguration service and address by President inspiring vision and an opportunity to ask a practical,Lapsley are scheduled for 4:30 p.m.real-world question: A reception will follow.Flourishing Church, Flourishing World: What Are Seminaries For? For more information about the inauguration and/or symposium, please visit www.upsem.edu/May8Sharon & Brook 2024 WINTER ISSUE / SPRUNT'