b'Campus 72023 SPRUNT LECTURESUndomesticated FaithWhen Dr. Keri Day opened her series of four Sprunt lectures the week of May 1, she promised to share experimental thoughts that were emerging from the manuscript of an upcoming book. Her Sprunt lectures, titled Undomesticated Faith: An Afro-Pentecostal Theology of Spirit, were driven by her own questioning and existential doubts, concerns, and hopes about what Christian faith is, the work it should do in the world, and how we image and imagine God.Dr.Day,associateprofessorofconstructivetheologyandAfrican American religion at Princeton Theological Seminary, spoke about the Azusa Street Revival, which began in 1906 in Los Angeleshow it was a critique of segregated, capitalist society then and is still relevant today. With roots in the religious beliefs of enslaved persons from the southern United States, Azusa became a movement in which, pastored by William Seymour, Black domestic women moved into positions of leadershipand those who worshiped under them were transracial, transgenerational,WELCOMEand ultimately global.When the Spirit moves, it participates in an economy of disruption,President Lapsley!revealing a God who requires radical communion, said Dr. Day. It frees theology to be a discursive space and practice of wonder and freedom. She also described how a decolonial theology of the Spirit attempts toDr. Jacqueline Lapsley arrived in Richmond in mid-June. As she avoid domestication of ideas about God and Christian faith. I desperatelyand her husband, Greg Bezilla, settle into their Virginia home, want us to be released of needing to have the final say on divine reality. Dr.Lapsley (known as Jacq) is diving into the UPSem community The 112th Sprunt Lectures also featured preaching by Dr. Kenyattaon both the Charlotte and Richmond campuses.Gilbert, professor of homiletics at Howard University School of Divinity.Dr. Lapsleys credentials are impressive: She earned her Ph.D. from With Luke 4:22 as his text, Dr. Gilbert catalogued the ills that plague societyEmory University in 1999, her M.Div. from Princeton Theological today: social collapse, grotesque violence, political tribalism, environmentalSeminary in 1994, her M.A. from The University of North Carolina neglect, and ecological catastrophe, and what was laid bare by the COVIDat Chapel Hill in 1991, and her A.B. from Smith College in 1987. crisissocietysdespicablelegacyofself-deceit,self-deception,self- Before accepting the role of president at Union, she was dean obsession, and the abiding presence of unhealed racial wounds. and vice president for Academic Affairs at Princeton Theological Somethinghasshifted,saidDr.Gilbert,andhowthechurchSeminary and a professor of Old Testament.navigates its future course will determine if we can contribute anything of consequence that would support our agenda of advancing the reign ofAsthefirstwomantoleadUnionPresbyterianSeminary, God here on earth.Dr.Lapsley is a proven trailblazer. She is a learned scholar and Sprunt Week included a luncheon presentation by Dr. Ted Wardlaw,well-respectedauthor.Asco-editorofTheWomensBible retiredpresidentofAustinPresbyterianTheologicalSeminary.TheCommentary and After Exegesis: Feminist Biblical Theology, her Distinguished Alumni Award was presented to Dr. Rosalyn Murphy, whofresh perspective will propel UPSem to new areas of community has served in the Church of England for 23 years. And Dr. Hoffman Brownengagement.III, a member of Unions class of 1981, was honored with the Black AlumniThe role of the seminary is to form leaders for gospel-filled Association Trailblazer award. ministries, said Dr. Lapsley. The gospel calls us to speak into difficult issues of the day, such as social justice. Christians are being called to leadershipin communities and congregationsand are a powerful voice in society. Theological education helps people thrive wherever they are called.Dr. Lapsley is a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church. She is also the proud mother of two adult children. Welcome to Union, Dr. Lapsley! MORE ONLINEThe 2023 Sprunt lectures and worship are available for viewing at: bit.ly/Sprunt-23Top left: Sprunt featured speakerDr. Keri DayFar left: Worship leader Dr. Kenyatta GilbertLeft: 2023 BAA Trailblazer award winner Dr. Hoffman Brown III and Distinguished Alumni award winnerDr. Rosalyn MurphyUNION PRESBYTERIAN SEMINARY Sharon & Brook'