b'From theRichmondsPresidentGrowing Telugu PAGE 2 CommunityPAGE 6Gargoyle SpeaksPAGE 5Sharon Brook&CONNECTING THE UNION PRESBYTERIAN SEMINARY COMMUNITY ISSUE 18 / FALL 2024What Does It Meanto Be Human?The Smithsonians Traveling Exhibition at UPSem Explores the QuestionWhat Does It Mean to Be Human? Good question. Its one with layers ofconnect to diverse personal and societal perspectives about who we are complexities that the scientific and faith communities have long examinedas a species and why it matters. Rather than focusing on particular fossils and debated.and races, the exhibition presents milestones in the evolutionary journey of Tocontinueadvancingthatexplorationanddiscussion,Unionbecoming humanfrom walking upright, creating technology, and living Presbyterian Seminary is thrilled to welcome the Smithsonians travelingin variable climates to developments of the brain, society, and symbolic exhibition Exploring Human Origins: What Does It Mean to Be Human?language. to the Richmond campus through November 15. It promises to be anAccording to the Smithsonian, the exhibition creates room for discussions engaging catalyst for thoughtful independent consideration and dynamicand dialogue based on the idea that scientific and religious perspectives on group conversation. During the exhibition, UPSem will also share thehuman evolution need not inherently conflict, and that excitement about benefit of learning through direct interaction with the Smithsonian Humanhuman origins research is not limited to scientists.Origins team. Continued on page 3Theexhibitioninvitesvisitorstoexplorethewonderofscientific discoveries around human evolution and reflect on how these findings JOIN US ONLINEwww.upsem.edu facebook.com/upsem instagram.com/upseminaryLook for the links following a story or sectionyoutube.com/user/upsem X.com/upseminaryto find extended articles, videos, images, and discussions. Or visit us on social media to keepflickr.com/photos/upsem For Planned Giving, visit pg.upsem.edu.up with the latest at the Seminary.'