b'Campus 3HONORING THE PAST,MEETING THE FUTUREThe Campaignfor Blount Hallat WestminsterChris Burton, the head of Unions Leadership InstitutesinceDecember2022,seesthe potential of its planned location in the newly named Blount Hall at Westminster and feels the excitement and momentum of the campaign that is underway to make it a reality.The Leadership Institute grew out of the Seminaryslong-standingcommitmentto continuing education. We are talking about folks who are already in ministry or getting ready to retire and people looking at new ways they can contribute.MarvinDaniel,Unionsvicepresidentfor advancement, is himself a beneficiary of the Institutesprograms.ThroughitsPathways program, the former president of KDW Home,Preliminary architectural renderings of Blount Hall atakitchendesigncompany,nowservesasWestminster, which will house the Leadership Institutethe commissioned lay pastor for mission and advocacy at Richmonds Second Presbyterian Church. Two Sundays a month, he is busy preaching at Gregory Memorialof state-of-the-art technologies, share a meal, participate in worship in Watts Church in Prince George, Virginia. Hall, and work with Unions Centers is impossible to overstate.Thevision,creativity,andleadershipofPresidentBrianBlount,For decades, Westminster was home to so many Seminary students, whose name is now part of the historic 197-year-old building, has beenBurton adds. They remember it with fondness, and the support thats extraordinary, says Burton. Brian valued innovation, and that shows upcoming in from so many of these folks for the Campaign for Blount Hall in all the features that will be built into the Institutes new quarters. at Westminster has been so inspiring.The importance of having a space where we can have conferences andThey see the Leadership Institute at Blount Hall as a wonderful way to housing for participants, be able to easily access the library, take advantagehonor the past and to meet the needs of the church in the future.FOR THE CHURCH IN THE WORLDSeminary Welcomes International StudentsStudents from all over the world are a valuable part of the Seminary and enrich the ministry of all students, staff, and faculty. A new video featuring a number of interviews with the UPSem community,showshowdifferentlanguages, experiences, and understandings of the global church enrich the conversation on campus. Some of the new international students attending the Seminary this fallMORE ONLINEView the video by scanning theQR code.bit.ly/Intl23UpsemUNION PRESBYTERIAN SEMINARY Sharon & Brook'