Christian Sanchez to Join UPSem as Instructor of New Testament

Richmond, VA (April 25, 2024)—Union Presbyterian Seminary welcomes Christian Sanchez as Instructor of New Testament.

Sanchez is a graduate of The University of St. Andrews (M.Phil.) and Southwestern Assemblies of God University (B.A.). He is pursuing his Ph.D. at Baylor University in Texas. His dissertation research involves thinking theologically about the intersections of early Christian apocalypticism and Roman imperialism in New Testament literature, specifically in the books of Luke and Acts. Upon completion of his doctoral degree, he will become Assistant Professor of New Testament.

An author, presenter, and scholar, Sanchez has a deep interest in critical spatiality, Latinx interpretation, and ecological interpretation. At UPSem, he aims to bring Scripture, early Christianity, God, and personal stories together for conversations that promote liberation, empowerment, and creativity in Christ.

Sanchez is married to Crystal Sanchez. Based on the Charlotte campus, he begins on July 1.

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Contact: Barb Dodd
Director of Communications
(804) 278-4279 direct