Pastor–Faith United Presbyterian Church–Washington, PA

Faith United Presbyterian Church, Washington, Pennsylvania, seeks an experienced pastor to provide spiritual leadership and pastoral care for our congregation as we grow in the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. We have an energetic congregation and dedicated staff to support our 12 active ministry teams. This is a full time, head of staff position with these responsibilities:
Preaching by ensuring worship services are ordered and ably led, working with music staff, conducting special worship services (e.g., weddings, funerals etc.) and participating in family and community events (e.g., guest preaching, offering prayers at civic meetings etc.).

Teaching by serving as a resource for lay teachers and leaders, offering educational/spiritual formation classes, providing opportunities for Elder and Deacon training, and new member and Confirmation classes as needed.

Pastoral Care through guiding the Deacon’s ministry, visiting those unable to attend worship or who require special attention, pastoral counseling to members, 24-hour responsiveness to emergencies.

Organizational Leadership by leading the Session, congregation and ministry teams; moderate Session meetings and approve agendas from the Clerk of Session; and supervise, resource and evaluate work of staff; advise ministry teams, meeting with them ex-officio as needed; moderate congregational meetings; participate in Presbytery by attending meetings and functioning as a member of at least one committee; advertise/interview/recommend prospective employees for hire; represent the church to outside organizations.

Other expectations include s/he becoming an active member in our local community and fostering relationships with the community and other faith leaders, be active in the local Presbytery, and be a positive and engaging leader who will encourage members to “get out of the boat,” try new things and undertake new programs, while being respectful of our history and traditions.

Current staff serving Faith include, an office administrator, director of music, organist, custodian, and nursery attendant. Our church also has 12 active ministry teams and leaders who oversee welcoming, mission, discipleship, fellowship, property and more. It is our hope that our pastor will interact with and encourage these leaders. Our new pastor should be able to provide a fresh new perspective for the church’s mission and continue to challenge us in service and outreach.

For More Information – view the Faith U.P. Church Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) #11375 on the Church Leadership Connection (CLC) website:
Also check our website for links to our self-study. And our Faith United Presbyterian Church Facebook page.
Applications may be received by self-referral through the CLC system at
For additional information, contact PNC Chair, Bettie Stammerjohn by email at: