Christian Educator Certification
The Leadership Institute offers courses within a certificate program in Christian Education in conjunction with the Presbyterian Church (USA) Educator Certification program. To learn more about the certification process and how to apply to become a Certified Christian Educator (CCE) through the PC(USA), click here. To view the PC (USA) Educator Certification Handbook 2025, click here.
These courses are designed to increase skills and knowledge in a structured curriculum that leads to certification in that program area.
Note: Participants do not need to be seeking certification in order to take any of the courses offered.
For those seeking certification, courses are outlined in the schedule below.
Christian Educator Certification Courses
These online courses are designed to meet the requirements for Christian Educator Certification in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Courses offer both synchronous (scheduled live class meetings) and asynchronous work (at-home assignments posted on Blackboard, the seminary’s learning management system, with logins provided). The fee for course registration is $275. Registration closes roughly one week before the beginning of the course.
Four courses are offered through the seminary each year, with six (6) courses offered in total. A participant who completes all of the course work will receive a certificate of completion with 3 CEUs for each individual course.
Course Syllabus: The course syllabus is shared after participants register and before the course begins.
Christian Educator Certification online courses slated for 2025
- Biblical Interpretation (February 3-March 9) – Registration for this course is now closed
- Course Description: Courses are designed to meet the requirements for the Christian Educator Certification in the PC(USA). This is an online course, with both synchronous and asynchronous assignments. Designed to address the calling of Christian educators to interpret and teach the Bible, this course provides a historical overview and practical examples of an array of approaches to biblical interpretation, emphasizing key elements of interpretation from the perspective of the Reformed Tradition. The course offers a guide for close reading of passages, featuring peer discussion of the meaning and message of selected biblical texts. In a final course project, students write a paper in which they present their exegesis (interpretation) of a biblical passage. Students also prepare a presentation in which they draw from the fruits of their exegetical study for a teaching-and-learning event.
- Religious Education Theory and Practice (May 13-June 17) Click here to register. Registration closes May 8, 2025
- Course Description: Religious Education Theory and Practice provides Presbyterian Christian Educators an opportunity to think theologically about the teaching ministry of the church. It exposes educators to a variety of educational theories that informs pedagogical practices. Writing publishable, quality lesson plans, as well as choosing and evaluating curriculum are essential components of this course. Courses are designed to meet the requirements for the Christian Educator Certification in the Presbyterian Church (USA). This is an online course, with both synchronous and asynchronous assignments. Asynchronous work begins May 13.
- Reformed Theology (August 5 – September 2, 2025) Click here to register. Registration closes July 22, 2025.
- Course Description: Reformed Theology is designed to provide Presbyterian Christian educators with a clear understanding of the theology of the Reformed Tradition, especially as it is expressed in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Confessions. Courses explore the content of those confessions, the historical contexts out of which they arose, and the contemporary significance those confessions have for the life of the church today. By means of varied teaching methods and learning activities (e.g., lectures, small group exercises, discussions, and personal research), students will be able to gain a personal understanding of the Reformed theological tradition. Courses will also allow participants to gain a balanced understanding of the broad landscape of Reformed theological understandings today.
- Presbyterian Polity, Program, and Mission (October 9 – November 6, 2025) Click here to register. Registration closes September 25, 2025.
- Course Description: This course provides knowledge of current resources and mission emphases of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and integrates the study of the Presbyterian Constitution (Book of Confessions and Book of Order) and the Program and Mission of the PCUSA into the context of the educator. Scripture, polity, and the structure, mission, and program of the PCUSA, as it is described and resourced by presbyteries, synods, and the General Assembly, usually provides the content for this certification course. Critical examination, guided exploration, and careful integration of those key resources provide educators an opportunity to draw upon the richness of the Presbyterian tradition as they take leadership roles in their congregations and ministries. The course will provide opportunities for educators to explore how the polity, program, and mission of the PCUSA will impact, guide, and influence their educational programs and events.
Christian Educator Certification online courses slated for 2026
- Worship and Sacraments (February 2026)
- Human Growth and Faith Development (May 2026)
- Biblical Interpretation (August 2026)
- Religious Education Theory and Practice (October 2026)
Christian Educator Certification online courses slated for 2027
- Presbyterian Polity, Program, and Mission (April 2027)
- Reformed Theology (June 2027)
- Worship and Sacraments (August 2027)
- Human Growth and Faith Development (October 2027)
Christian Educator Certification online courses slated for 2028
- Biblical Interpretation (February 2028)
- Religious Education Theory and Practice (May 2028)
- Reformed Theology (August 2028)
- Presbyterian Polity, Program, and Mission (October 2028)
Christian Educator Certification online courses slated for 2029
- Worship and Sacraments (April 2029)
- Human Growth and Faith Development (June 2029)
- Biblical Interpretation (August 2029)
- Religious Education Theory and Practice (October 2029)