b'PresidentialDistinguished InaugurationAlum Award PAGE 2 PAGE 62024 SpruntsPAGE 6Sharon Brook&CONNECTING THE UNION PRESBYTERIAN SEMINARY COMMUNITY ISSUE 17 / SUMMER 2024Symposium Panel Confronts Tough QuestionsPanelists from left: Rev. Gail Henderson-Belsito, Dr. Richard Voelz, Dr. Jacqueline Lapsley, Dr. Eric Barreto, Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean, and Rev. Jessica TateOnthedayofherinaugurationaspresidentofUnionPresbyterianbe a partner, not only in the formation of theologia, which Farley defines Seminary, Dr. Jacqueline E. Lapsley invited five distinguished panelists toas a way of being in the world, but also a habit of the human soul, and Watts Hall to consider a challenging and forward-looking question: WhatI would revise that to say a habit of the human body and soul in which we Are Seminaries For ? contemplate the mysteries of God.The thought leaders taking on the task of answering that question wereAdditional thoughts from the panel:Dr. Eric Barreto, who teaches New Testament at Princeton TheologicalJessica Tate: I was thinking about how much seminary helps shape Seminary;Dr.RichardVoelz,associateprofessorofpreachingandus to actually envision the promised Day of God toward which were all worship at UPSem; Rev. Gail Henderson-Belsito, UPSem alum; Rev. Jessicaheadingand to help us do that consistently, to figure out how we are Tate, UPSem alum and pastor at Georgetown Presbyterian Church; andpersuasive about that out in the world.Dr.Kenda Creasy Dean, professor of youth, church, and culture at PrincetonKendaCreasyDean:Weshouldstopthinkingofourselvesasa Theological Seminary. credentialing agency. What does it look like to become a leader among, Gail Henderson-Belsito started the conversation by saying that seminariesrather than a leader up front?need to be the places where we are listening to studentsnot just tellingGail Henderson-Belsito: We should stop teaching toward this idea that them things but honoring their stories. Those stories are sacred text. we are creating suburban pastors. We need to start looking at who is Eric Barreto built on that thought: The work of education is not solitaryactually in the classroom.work. We need other people to do this work together. We need teachersRichard Voelz: I am thinking of these questions on an institutional level. who have studied and share their wisdom, and we need students and theirSeminaries need to stop pretending like were alonelike were islands, own stories from their own vocations. like were silosand stop thinking that our success is defined by our Richard Voelz cited the argument in Edward Farleys Theologia: Thecompetition with other seminaries.Fragmentation and Unity of Theological Education that seminaries are toContinued on page 3JOIN US ONLINEwww.upsem.edu facebook.com/upsem instagram.com/upseminaryLook for the links following a story or sectionyoutube.com/user/upsem twitter.com/upseminaryto find extended articles, videos, images, and discussions. Or visit us on social media to keepflickr.com/photos/upsem For Planned Giving, visit pg.upsem.edu.up with the latest at the Seminary.'