b'2023Sprunt Commencements Lectures PAGE 4PAGE 7Sharon Brook&CONNECTING THE UNION PRESBYTERIAN SEMINARY COMMUNITY ISSUE 14 / SUMMER 2023Brian Blount: Top 5What a busy season it has been for the Seminary! A new graduating class is ready to go forth and serve. A new president has been named. And that means we must say farewell to our dear friend and leader, Brian Blount.Dr. Blount is well known among our Seminarians for his Top 5 emails, so,Ourfacultyisoneofourgreatestgifts,hesaidarecentinterview. in that spirit, we created a list of our own. These are the Top 5 ReasonsI am grateful to God for who they are and what they do.Why We Will Miss Brian Blount.He has made us more diverse.He has taught us well. Dr. Blounts efforts to increase the Seminarys diversity created a faculty that Throughout his 16-year tenure as president, Dr. Blount has made teachingis well balanced by gender, race, and international presence and a campus an integral part of his work, sharing his knowledge with Union studentsthat better reflects the society we are called to serve. As the Seminarys first and countless churches and external audiences who have benefited fromAfrican American president, he had a tremendous impact on seminarians his wisdom, his intellect, and his humor. and their congregations.He has brought us together. He has positioned us well for the future.Although UTS and PSCE had combined before his time in office, it wasDr. Blount has been a tireless champion of strengthening the Seminarys Dr. Blounts initiative that brought them together as Union Presbyteriandigital presence and social acuity. Our technological capabilities will help Seminary. He also led the charge to develop the Charlotte campus into fullus meet new generations of students where they areonline and around partnership with Richmond, fulfilling the vision of One Seminary, Twothe worldand our four amazing Centers are helping students engage new Campuses. perspectives on serving the church in the world.He has lifted up our faculty. Under Dr. Blounts leadership, Union is better prepared than ever to train Despite all of his accomplishments, when reflecting on the Seminarysa new generation of leaders. As we welcome the energy and ideas of a successes, Dr. Blount praises Unions faculty as its greatest resource.new president, a fitting tribute to his time with us would be to continue his vision of growth and transformation.JOIN US ONLINEwww.upsem.edu facebook.com/UPSem instagram.com/upseminaryLook for the links following a story or sectionyoutube.com/user/UPSem twitter.com/upseminaryto find extended articles, videos, images, and discussions. Or visit us on social media to keepflickr.com/photos/upsem For Planned Giving, visit pg.upsem.eduup with the latest at the Seminary.'