An increasingly complex church and world challenges leaders to develop fresh perspectives and skills. We will assist you with this through a variety of continuing education opportunities.
Union Presbyterian Seminary equips Christian leaders for ministry in the world—a sacred vocation that requires deep learning, commitment to service, and an ability to read culture and circumstance in the light of the rich resources of scripture and theological tradition.
We want you to connect with all the news and events that Union Presbyterian Seminary has to offer in your life and vocation.
Union Presbyterian Seminary equips Christian leaders for ministry in the world — a sacred vocation that requires deep learning, commitment to service, and an ability to read culture and circumstance in the light of the rich resources of Scripture and theological tradition.
Become the leader God calls you to be! Scripturally and historically informed, theologically grounded, spiritually nourished, culturally sensitive, mission focused, transformation oriented and passionate about renewing the church.
Our graduate degree programs place emphasis on deep theological study, inventive learning and real world experiences that prepare students for faith leadership in ordained pastoral, educational and community ministries.
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Dates: February 18, 25th, March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, 2025 from 6-8pm via Zoom Instructor: Bill Buchanan Join Rev. Bill Buchanan (aka DJ5)...
A Pathways Online course instructed by Rev. Dr. Megan Fullerton Strollo Rev. Dr. Megan Fullerton Strollo is Assistant Professor of...
Pathways Online Course instructed by Dr. Cindy Kissel-Ito: The Christian Life Dr. Cindy Kissel-Ito, Retired UPSem Associate Professor of Christian Education...