Whether we are pastors, educators, congregational leaders, commissioned ruling elders, or scholars, it is our collective voices, experiences, wisdom, and creativity that can move us through the best of what was, and into the faithfulness of what will be.
Our center offers pedagogical strategies for teaching in diverse contexts of ministry while promoting and encouraging educators, pastors, congregational, and community leaders to explore, deepen, and retool their gifts for ministry.
Sustaining and equipping all those who educate, whatever their level of theological education or vocational experience.
Creating space and opportunities for faculty and practitioners to engage in critical conversations that develop innovative, effective, and imaginative theories, models, and methods.
Meet Our Staff!
Kirsten Trachsel has joined the staff of CECE as Project Manager for the Font & Faith Initiative. Kirsten is a 2024 graduate of UPSem with a Master of Arts in Christian Education. Her theological studies added to her previous life as a music educator (and actually she still serves her congregation as Youth and Children’s Music Director) has prepared her to “conduct” all sections of Font & Faith – the altos, the tenors, the Regional Gatherings, the Summits, the tubas, the percussion, the Journey Groups, and the Collaborative Conversations. “Kirsten brings substance and passion to the work of the Center as she brings the vision to life. We are the grateful beneficiaries of her gifts.” Welcome, Kirsten!
Brianna Bamberg, CECE’s Event Coordinator, is a people person! The people may be the young disciples she serves as Children’s Ministry Coordinator for a local congregation or adults she engages in conversation. She has already been at work finding new caterers and other vendors for the upcoming Critical Conversations Symposium. Brianna holds a degree in Communications and is a CE Certificate student at UPSem. “Bri’s joy and passion for life and ministry are clear in all her interactions. The positive energy she brings to the office and the Center is contagious!” Welcome, Brianna!
Melissa White is expanding her role in the Center’s Curriculum Connection. Melissa, a 2024 graduate of UPSem with a Master of Divinity and and Master of Arts in Christian Education, had served as editor for the Just Teach curriculum. She now serves as Curriculum Coordinator, responsible for developing new curriculum, working with authors, and editing and preparing curriculum for publication. “Melissa’s commitment to curriculum – developing, refining, teaching – has been evident from the beginning of her ministry journey. Brining these gifts to the work of the Center means the Curriculum Connection will flourish!” Melissa, we’re glad you’re staying on!
Renda Brinson continues to serve as the Director of the Resource Center on the UPSem Charlotte campus, used by the UPSem and Presbytery of Charlotte communities. Renda is a Certified Christian Educator, a Past President of APCE, and member of the PCUSA Task Force to Explore Theology and Practice of Ordination. “Her commitment to Christian education and congregations manifests in the careful collection of resources she curates and shares. She is a wonderful partner in ministry!”
Frances Drye brings a background in publishing and an eye for detail to her work as the Center’s Administrative Assistant. She is already helping us put systems and processes in place to streamline the internal workings of the Center and staff. Frances holds degrees in English and Classics. “She has a keen ability to sense what needs to be done and have it completed before we even ask. What a gift!” Welcome, Frances!