Seminary Luncheon at Massanetta Bible Conference
Thirty-five alumni and friends gathered for a UPSem luncheon on Thursday, July 25, 2019 during the annual Bible Conference at Massanetta Springs, in Harrisonburg, VA. Dr. John Carroll was guest speaker at the luncheon. Carroll is the Harriet Robertson Fitts Memorial Professor of New Testament. His address focused on “Jesus and the other Abrahamic Faiths: Common Ground and Sticking Points.” Carroll led the daily Bible study for the conference, focusing on the parables of Jesus in Mark, Matthew, and Luke.
Heather Woodworth Brannon, (M.Div.’19) preached for the Thursday morning worship at the Bible Conference, and was introduced at the luncheon. Heather received the First Presbyterian Church, Hammond, Louisiana, Award for Preaching and Worship. This award is given annually to a student demonstrating special interest and competence in the area of preaching and worship. A recipient of the Sallie Shepherd Perkins Fellowship this spring at UPSem, Heather is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible at Emory University.
The Bible and Church Music Conferences are held annually at Massanetta Springs. Next year’s conferences, July 26 – August 1, 2020 will feature the Rev. John Bell of the Iona Community in Scotland.
Clay Macaulay
Director of Alumni Development