Mission & Vision

Union Presbyterian Seminary prepares people to be leaders of gospel-inspired transformative change in pursuit of a more just and compassionate world.


Union Presbyterian Seminary participates in God’s New Creation, the liberation, wholeness, and flourishing that God reveals in Jesus Christ and intends for all.

“I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth; do you not perceive it?”
–Isaiah 43:19

As witnesses to this New Creation, we are called to respond to a suffering world struggling to address multiple interlocking crises, from epidemic violence to systemic oppression to the climate emergency.

Steeped in Christian traditions, equipped to innovate for changing contexts, and in discernment of where the Spirit of God is already at work, we form leaders who will nurture in people an unquenchable longing for—and prepare them to work toward—a more just, faithful, and compassionate church and world.

As one seminary with two campuses, and ever being reformed, we aspire to be a vibrant, diverse, and engaging Christian community dedicated to serving one another, the church, and the world in the spirit of Christ.

We commit to:

Engage the Depths of Christian Traditions

  • Delve into the witness of the Scriptures and the Reformed as well as ecumenical traditions to nourish and empower our community’s dynamic participation in God’s New Creation.

Offer Compelling and Accessible Theological Education

  • Craft and deliver educational programs of the highest quality that empower and support a diverse range of learners called to serve God, neighbor, church, and

Equip Individuals with Transformational Pedagogies

  • Extend our rich history of excellence in Christian Education to foster the formation of disciples and communities for lives of faith and witness.

Emphasize Hermeneutical, Prophetic, and Pastoral Skills

  • Equip learners with essential skills to address conflict, promote justice and reconciliation in brokenand hurting communities, and preach and teach the gospel with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love.

Cultivate Resilient Leadership

  • Develop innovative and resilient leaders capable of nurturing and guiding robust and diversecommunities, whether in congregations, varied ministry contexts, or the public sphere.

Convene Critical Conversations

  • Serve as a central hub for critical conversations about the relevance of the Reformed and other Protestanttraditions for faithful life and service in the world; and through dialogue with both Christian and other religious traditions, work in concert with the Spirit in forming flourishing communities congruent with a joyful and compassionate gospel.

Please review our strategic plan for more information about our strategic initiatives.