Associate Pastor for Youth and their Families Job Description
The Associate Pastor for Youth and their Families position is a full-time called and installed position responsible for leading our Youth Ministry, preaching once a month, and supporting the Board of Deacons.

Accountable to the Presbytery, reporting directly to the CPC Pastor/Head of Staff, and indirectly to Session through its Administration & Personnel (A&P) Committee.

The essential responsibilities of this position include creating and leading youth ministry for students grades 6 – 12, sharing in worship leadership, pastoral care, and administrative duties.

Youth Ministry (approx. 60% of time)
Youth Faith Formation:
Oversee the faith formation program for sixth through twelfth grade students in partnership with Christian Education – Youth (CE-Y) Committee. This ministry has typically included a weekly program (i.e., youth group) during the school year providing a mixture of fellowship, service opportunities, and overnight experiences (lock-ins, overnight retreats). Other specific responsibilities in youth faith formation include:
● Implement a comprehensive and cohesive Christian faith formation plan for youth.
● Collaborate with the congregation for integrated, meaningful, and intentional ways to
connect the youth of CPC to the church, e.g., serving on leadership boards, and
participating in Sunday worship as usher/greeter/liturgist, etc.
● Recruit, train and support adult volunteers and youth leaders including keeping up to
date background checks for youth volunteers and Safe Sanctuary policy training.
● Prepare and coordinate curriculum for weekly programs as well as large group activities.
● Plan and lead overnight experiences for youth program participants and youth leaders.
● Work with adult leaders to prepare youth candidates for confirmation.
Youth Mission Opportunities:
Coordinate, facilitate, and support youth mission opportunities throughout the year including week-long summer opportunities for high school students. Responsibilities include:
● Research and secure destinations with the support of CE-Y committee.
● Attend and be the key leader for at least one summer mission trip.
● Recruit, train, and support adult leaders for mission trips.
● Complete or direct the completion of all administrative duties related to the trip including
distributing registration forms, planning trip details, coordinating with mission site partners and communicating with leaders, parents, and participants.
Other Youth responsibilities:
● Maintain and manage all modes of communication for youth programs.
● Meet with and support youth and/or families in crisis as needed.
● Manage the budget for youth ministries.
● Serve as the staff person on the CE-Y committee.

Worship (15%):
● Preach on Sunday mornings roughly once per month throughout the year and regularly help plan and lead Sunday worship services in coordination with the Pastor / Head of Staff.
● Help plan, lead, and preach at additional liturgical year services, such as but not limited to: Lenten Services, Advent services, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Ash Wednesday.
● Share in leading funeral services, baptisms and weddings.

Pastoral Care (10%):
Actively participate in the delivery of pastoral care to members of the church and their families as needed through home visits and hospital visits in coordination with the Pastor / Head of Staff. Ensure that all requests for pastoral care are responded to in a timely manner.

Deacons (10%):
Advise and support the Board of Deacons in their activities. Attend regular meetings of the Deacons.

Other administrative responsibilities (5%):
● Attend weekly CPC staff meetings and participate in staff retreat/training events.
● Work collaboratively with all staff for the good of God’s church.
● Complete other duties as assigned by the Pastor/Head of Staff.
● Attend Presbytery meetings
● Attend Session meetings
● Assist with preparation for Annual Meeting

Amy Campbell

