Leadership Institute Book Clubs

About Our Book Clubs

The Leadership Institute will offer book clubs throughout the year. They will be virtual and supported by centers and Leadership Institute partners. The aim of the Leadership Institute Book Clubs is to create multicultural, intergenerational spaces where participants can delve further into texts, while learning alongside people from a multitude of social locations.

The registration fee for each book club will be $40.

Those who participate in book club meetings may earn CEUs. Please contact Theda Wortman if you would like a certificate of completion at the end of each book club.


Current Book Clubs

Practicing Resurrection Book Club

Click here to register

Tuesdays, September 3, September 10, September 24, and October 1, 6-8 p.m. Eastern Time

This book club will read Practicing Resurrection: The Gospel of Mark and Radical Discipleship, a book by Janet Wolf.

The book club leader will be Dr. Chris Burton

Janet Wolf presents this well-known Gospel through voices and experiences that are often relegated to the margins: where we stand, what we see, to whom we listen, and the stories and voices we value or dismiss that shape the way we understand the world and the Bible. In five chapters, the study examines different passages in Mark and challenges readers to discover what radical discipleship looks like in their context. Each chapter ends with questions for personal reflection to help readers apply what they are learning.

This book club leads into the “Change the Conversation: Practicing Resurrection” event on our Charlotte campus with the author of this book club book, Janet Wolf. The event is tentatively planned for Saturday, September 28. Check back for a registration link for the in-person event.


Past Book Clubs

Living Resistance Book Club

This book club read Living Resistance, by Kaitlin Curtice

The book club leader was Dr. Chris Burton.

This group read about embodied ways of resisting, remembering, and becoming more aware of how connected we are.


Preaching the Headlines Book Club

This book club read Preaching the Headlines: Possibilities and Pitfalls, by Lisa Thompson.

The book club leader was Leah Jordan.

This book club, presented in partnership with the Katie Geneva Cannon Center for Womanist Leadership, was for anyone interested in reflecting theologically on this relationship between Scripture and the world around us.


Howard Thurman Book Club

This book club read Jesus and the Disinherited, by Howard Thurman.

The book club leader was Dr. Chris Burton.

They explored the relevance of Jesus’ teachings for marginalized people. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. kept this book on his person and would cite it often.


Theopoetics Book Club

This book club read Terraform: Building a Better World, by Propaganda.

The book club leader was Rev. Dr. de’Angelo DIA.

In this debut collection of essays and poetry, Propaganda—musician, speaker, and activist—inspires readers to create a better, more equitable world.