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Online Workshop: The Past, Present, and Future of Giving and Generosity
January 17, 2023 @ 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
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Online Workshop: The Past, Present, and Future of Giving and Generosity
Dates: Tuesdays, January 17, 24, and 31, 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET
(Note: This online workshop is a three-part series).
Led by: Christen Kinard, Founder, Digital Congregations
Workshop Description:
Do you need to know how to communicate effectively about giving and generosity?
There are five generations worshiping in our churches right now. Three were born before the internet existed and two are digital natives. They all think about, spend, and give money in incredibly different ways.
We are also on the cusp of seeing the largest transfer of wealth in human history—$18 billion from Boomers to Millennials over the next few decades.
This three-part course is designed to help churches plan for the future by better understanding how and why each of these generations gives. Learn how to communicate about giving and generosity more effectively and spur creative thinking around the giving tools available.
Lessons Learned from the Past
The church is changing—and as a consequence, the way it communicates about giving and generosity must change as well.
This initial class will help frame the conversation around church giving by looking at the lessons to be learned from recent history, the evolution of giving trends, and the facts and figures available. It will also focus on the global pandemic’s short- and long-term impacts on giving and generosity.
Workshop participants will receive the recordings and slides from each class, and each week, office hours are offered for one-on-one conversations.
Generational Giving Today
Boomers make up only 23.6% of the population but are responsible for 43% of all benevolent giving—including to churches. More generally, churches across the country are largely sustained by the generosity of its older generations. The church has a generational dilemma when it comes to faithful, generous support. Why is that and what can be done about it?
In this second class, we will review how each generation worshiping in our churches thinks about money, spends it, and gives as we work to answer these questions.
Messaging and Tools for the Future
This final class session will review the most effective messaging to encourage people to become invested in the church and its success, causes, and impact, as well as the tools to make giving simple when individuals are ready to give. A closer look will be taken at where the future of money, generosity, and giving is headed for every church and how to set up for success.
Leader bio: Christen Kinard has spent a decade as a professional in communications and marketing. She has helped businesses and organizations as diverse as high-end retail stores and independent schools develop and implement efficient and impactful communications strategies. Digital Congregations sits at the intersection of her desire to do meaningful work, her belief in the importance of faith communities, and her talents and experience. Christen has a MA in Peace and Conflict Resolution from Norwich University and a BA in International Relations and French Literature from the University of South Carolina.
Online Format: This three-session workshop will use Zoom technology to meet online in order to allow for presentations by the leader as well as interaction among participants. Each registered participant will receive the meeting link prior to the first workshop. The sessions will meet on three consecutive Tuesdays, January 17, January 24, and January 31, from 1:30 until 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Participants will need an electronic device equipped with a reliable Internet connection, built-in or external microphone, and a built-in or external webcam.
Cost: Both individual and group registration options are available; group registration consists of up to 3 individuals from the same church or organization.
$125 per individual, if register by December 13, 2022. (Note: Beginning, December 14, individual price increases by $15. Register early and save!).
$165 per group (up to 3 participants from the same church/organization), if register by December 13, 2022. (Note: Beginning December 14, group registration price increases by $25. Register early and save!).
CEUs: .4 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) for this event. Note: CEU certificates can be generated upon request at the time of the event.
Registration: Online registration is open. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. Registered participants will receive a Zoom meeting link the week prior to the event’s first meeting.
Waiting List: Space is limited. Register early to reserve your spot. Once event reaches capacity, a waiting list will be started.