Generosity on a Budget

Rev. Dr. Helen Bessent Byrd (Union-PSCE ’07 )

For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to
what one has – not according to what one does not have
(2 Corinthians 8:12).

A recent article in the business section of a newspaper by Rivan Stinson emphasized how one can give to charities while on a budget. The author noted that generosity does not have to break you. What good advice for many of us who are ministers, religious educators and other helping professionals who live on meager salaries.

The author made several helpful points for persons who are attentive to their budget. One was to combine philanthropy and saving by investing in companies that seek to make the world a better place by choosing socially responsible companies. One may begin by opening a Stash account with as little as $5 and contributing as little as $1 per month. Another option is to look into your 401(k) plan and choose a socially responsible no-load mutual fund. Some charities bombard you with email, snail mail and phone calls soliciting giving. Be certain to screen the charities, Stinson said, to ascertain their accountability and effectiveness.

This stress on generous giving to charities is consistent with the teaching of Paul in his second letter to the church in Corinth. The Apostle told them of the generous giving of the churches in Macedonia and encouraged them to excel in generous giving also. He encouraged the church then and us today to give with willingness according to our means. “If the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has.” We are encouraged to seek a fair balance between our means and the needs of others. Paul, quoting from Exodus 16:18 referring to manna, stated that, “The one who had much did not have too much, and the one who had little did not have too little.” This is the kind of balance in generosity to maintain in our sacrificial giving. Remember, “The righteous give and do not hold back” (Proverbs 21:26b).

UPSem affords us with varied giving opportunities that respond to our varied capacities to give. We may make small gifts monthly or give lump sums periodically. Whatever you are able to give of your budget, please give regularly and generously to bless current and future students with transformative learning experiences that prepare them to help change the church and society. (See the website for giving opportunities. For tracking purposes, when you give, write BAA on the line with your name if you give online and on the memo line if you send a check!)