Welcome to the 2020 UPSem Black Seminarians

By Michelle Walker

It is my distinct pleasure to introduce the incoming class of this academic year 2020-21. These students include two Ghanaians on the Richmond campus and four new students in Charlotte. I thought I would also share a brief update on two of last year’s new students: Sommer Jordan and Jabriel Hasan. They were elected at the end of last academic year to serve as co-moderators of the Black Caucus. Sommer and Jabriel are working together to plan activities for the caucus in this time of virtual learning that will bridge the distance between Richmond and Charlotte.

Daniel Awuah

I am a Minister of Word and Sacraments of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana. My Journey to UPSem began when I was scouting for a theological seminary that is rooted in reformed theology.  I logged on to the UPSem website, read the profile of the Professors and found out this is the exact place I belong. My aim is to acquire knowledge in reformed theology and take up an academic post, training faithful Ministers and Church workers—men and women—for ministry work both in urban and rural settings toward a holistic community development, since doctrinal distortion is proven to be one of the major problems facing the Church and Society in the world.

Sedae Slaughter

I am Sedae Slaughter. I reside in Charlotte, NC, but I am from Philadelphia, PA. Growing up in poverty with very little resources, I grew fond of using my imagination. I was good at a lot of things and always loved to help people. I always attended church as a child, but I just knew the church was more than just inside the building. After a rebellious and abusive time of my life, I eventually came back to Christ through a few years of tribulation learning and hitting rock bottom. I then started my own nonprofit organization that focuses on empowering generations to re-create their narrative! With a M.A.C.E. degree, I will be able to properly communicate and teach the Gospel to those that may have never heard it put that way before. I am excited and looking forward to this journey with UPSEM!

LaWonder McDowell

LaWonder McDowell received the Katie Geneva Cannon Fellowship for 2020-2021. A chaplain at Caromont Health in Charlotte, she also teaches in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school district. LaWonder is a transfer from Gardner-Webb who is overjoyed to be in a program that is available to her on the weekends. She and her sons attend Elevation Church. She is pursuing the Master of Divinity degree after avoiding a call from God that she identifies as having been there her whole life. LaWonder hopes to be in ministry with women after graduation.

Eric Amoah

My name is Eric Amoah.  I was born in Kade in the eastern region of Ghana. I have been in active service since childhood and have served the church in all generational groups to this age. I served as Youth Organizer in the Junior Youth group of my local church at Kade. I also served as President of the Young Peoples Guild at Kade.   I was actively involved in campus fellowship at Accra Technical University and served as Gents Organizer for the Presbyterian/Methodist Students Union. The call into full-time ministry became clear when my conviction and zeal became so great that I felt my experience in service to the church would be more effective if I can serve the church in a full-time position as a minister of the Gospel.  Before coming to UPSem, I worshiped with Emmanuel Presbyterian Mission Church in Woodbridge. I am President of the Young Adult Fellowship of the North America/Australia Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana and secretary of the Mission and Evangelism Committee of my local church, adult Bible study leader and secretary to the Harvest Committee.  My aim in ministry is to let the world know the saving knowledge of the Gospel, rescue the perishing and care for the dying soul that Jesus is mighty to save. It is my prayer that after my training at Union, the gracious hand of the Lord Jesus Christ will lead me to the next level, equip me more with knowledge and skills to do the will of God who has called me into His Service.

Daphne Hill

I am Daphne Hill and I’m in the dual degree program on the Richmond campus. I’m a native New Yorker with familial roots in Virginia and North Carolina. Prior to UPSem, I worked for a government contractor as a small business liaison officer (including two years as a subcontracts administrator). The pay was good, but the weekly commute to Northern Virginia… not so good.  I was called to the ministry in 2013, but just KNEW that idea had to be a misunderstanding on my part, so I waited for additional instruction. Between 2017 and 2019 God responded via what I call a “course correction.” In December 2018, I lost my adjunct position at Virginia College.  Then in January 2019, a corporate acquisition ended my 12.5-year career in government contracting. In August 2019, God led me to UPSem. After I said yes to the idea and started the process, things began to fall in place. Settling into school and two jobs is a challenge. I’m a library assistant at an elementary school during the day, an ABE instructor at night and taking two classes on the Richmond campus and one on the Charlotte campus. Where this experience is leading me, I do not know. I know God is up to something, and I am learning to let go and trust Him and the process.

Glenda Spann-Hinant

Glenda is a licensed local pastor and certified candidate for ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. She is also a special education teaching assistant, and is completing the M.Div. on the Charlotte campus. Glenda’s hope is to work to build bridges between the church and the community, especially in the area of poverty.

Michelle Walker is Dean of Students and Director of Financial Aid at Union Presbyterian Seminary