Divine Correction


While reading my daily devotion, I needed something more and I turned the pages of the devotional to the date of my “2nd birthday.”  On that page, there appeared a reading from Job 5:17-18.  I sometimes refer to myself as Jobette, because there have been times in my life that I felt there was an unending attack on my body, mind, spirit and yes my soul!  The scripture for that day spoke volumes to me!  “But consider the joy of those corrected by God!  Do not despise the chastening of the Almighty when you sin. Though we may feel wounded, God always soothes.  God strikes, but God’s hands also heal” (NLT).

Thank you God for reminding me that you are my Almighty Father, and when I need correcting, yes, you correct me!  If it were not for the correcting of God, the ministry he has assigned to me would not be what it should be, as I minister to others.  I need disciplining, and I definitely need reminding of the same!  How many times have we ever said that to ourselves? Disciplining is not something that most of us would seek.  Honestly, it is not on my short list of things to request; however, I know me and I need disciplining.  My attitude needs disciplining, the path I walk, my mind, my tongue, and the list goes on and on.  Without disciplining, I find that my focus turns away from the Godly approach to life and veers dangerously close to a lifestyle that could be dangerous to me, and those around me.  The text found in Job is a reminder that the disciplining of God is a blessing for each of us as children of God.

God, I thank YOU for loving me enough to use your rod of correction, but you never leave me damaged and bruised, because your healing hand soothes me with healing balm and covers me with Your love.  Thank YOU!